Essential Oils Adventure

As time has gone on, and my parenting has evolved, I have spent many hours reading, researching, questioning EVERYTHING from diapers, to homeschooling curriculum, to alternative healthcare. We eat as clean as we can, most of the time. We are an active family. We emphasize the important balance between exercise and rest. Given that we live on a remote island, with virtually no medical care available, it is more important than ever, for us to have a good understanding of self care. It is important to keep our immune systems strong. We have a good relationship with our Naturopath, but she is a 45 minute boat ride, and then a 1 hour drive away...

I have been using essential oils for several years now. Recently I spent some time educating myself a little further about the difference in quality between cheaper oils and those that are of therapeutic grade. All the reading I have done points to doTerra Essential Oils being of the highest quality. We have joined the doTerra team and have quickly seen results in treating moles, anxiety, skin infections, toothaches, and the list goes on.

I am happy to share what I know and what I am learning. If you are interested in joining me start here:

Blessings to you.

Thanks for reading.