Life is meant to be an adventure.....

So, it is easy for us to get stuck in a routine, to set the boundaries of our life neatly inside of a box. To go out of our comfort zone can be very uncomfortable. In fact, some of us never go outside of the box. Others of us, from time to time, set out on an adventure looking for something with the promise of excitement. No matter what you choose, it is your life to live. This life holds an individual journey for each of us. Our paths cross at different points along the way offering lessons through the relationships we forge. On an offshore island, with very real, tangible boundaries, we can easily forget that there is a whole other world out there. This island living can, if you are not mindful, leave us to become too entwined in the lives of the other 54 people we share the island with. This island living is a beautiful, magical privilege. Island living is a culture. I have come to understand that each island has it's own culture.

I am an island girl born and raised. I understand that island living is a way of life that only the saltiest of us can endure and appreciate. When you are so deeply connected to an island, there is no other place that you feel truly at home. My husband and I, and our 5 little kids, committed to trying life on a new island. An island 4 hours away from the one we grew up on. This was a ballsy commitment. In the fishing world you are very aware of "territory" on the water. So for us to move our family from our home port to a new one took a lot of planning and lengthy conversation.

When you are from an island you feel a huge sense of ownership and pride for the beautiful rock you live on. You are connected to those you grow up with like they are all family. You fight like family, you party like family, and you are there for each other when the times get tough. Island people can be set in their ways, stubborn if you will. We are not interested in outsiders coming into our world and making any changes, because the way we do it is, "the way we have always done it."

So with all of this said, let me get to my point. Here is what I know for sure: * Appreciate every lesson as it comes * Life your life the way you need to live it * Let others live life, their way, as long as they are not harming you

There is more to this story, but if I told you the whole thing now, what fun would that be??? To be continued.............